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Environmental policy

The Friendly Family Surgery is committed to minimizing the impact of our operational activities on the environment.

Our commitment is to

  • Continuously improve our environmental performance and integrate recognized environmental management best practice into our operational activities
  • Reduce our consumption of resources and improve the efficient use of those resources
  • Measure and take action to reduce the carbon footprint of our operational activities to meet our published objectives and targets
  • Manage waste generated from our operational activities according to the principles of reduction, re-use and recycling
  • Manage our operational activities to prevent pollution
  • Give due consideration to environmental issues and energy performance in the acquisition, design, refurbishment, location and use of buildings
  • Ensure environmental including climate change, criteria are taken into account in the procurement of goods and services
  • Comply as a minimum with all relevant environmental legislation as well as other environmental requirements to which the practice subscribes

To meet our commitments we will

  • Provide oversight and review of environmental policies and performance, and allocate resources for their effective direction and implementation
  • Set and monitor key objectives and targets for managing our environmental performance at least annually
  • Communicate internally and externally our environmental policy and performance on a regular basis, and encourage feedback
  • Communicate the importance of environmental issues to our employees
  • Work together with our employees, service partners, suppliers and their agents to promote improved environmental performance
  • Promote appropriate consideration of sustainability and environmental issues in the services we provide to our patients
  • Review our environmental policy regularly

This statement represents our general position on environmental issues and the policies and practices we will apply in conducting our business.