Patient Participation Group Questionnaire

Your most recent visit

My contact was with:

Patient Priorities

What do you think our key priorities should be when it comes to looking at the services we provide to you and others in the practice? As we do not wish to anticipate your response we have left space for you to describe your priorities. Please rank each service in order of importance to you. (1=most important, 6=least important)

Clinical care:
Opening times:
Getting an appointment:

Patient Communications

We want our Patient Participation Group to be inclusive and representative of our patient population, and recognise that it can be difficult to attend meetings. We offer a ‘Virtual Participation Group’ over email and Facebook.

Please advise when the best times are for you to attend meetings to help us plan future meetings:

Online Communications

Which online tool would you rather use for a ‘Practice Discussion Forum’?


We use our website to provide information about our services. To help us assess how useful the content is and how easy it is to find please can you comment below on your experience.

Please specify what you like and do not like.


We use our Facebook page to provide information about our services and other health resources and information. Please can you comment below how useful you find this and what things you would like to see more of/less of on our Facebook page?
Please specify what you like and do not like.

Waiting Room Information

Can you help?

We would love to involve our patients in things that happen in the practice. If you are interested in volunteering or have a particular skill set that you would like to use in support of other patients we would love to hear from you. Please indicate below if you want to discuss how you can support fellow patients at Friendly Family Surgery. Maybe helping to set up a support group etc.

Please select:

Contact Information

About You

To help with interpretation of data we require a little information about you. This information is for auditing purposes only and to check if our survey has reached a representative sample of our patient population. We would appreciate it if you could answer the following questions. Please note your responses remain anonymous.

I am:
How often would you say you come to the practice?