Team up is part of Derbyshire’s response to the ageing well agenda. It is a joining up of health and social care services locally to deliver the right care in the right place at the right time.
The home visiting service is part of the team up response.
The home visiting service was established by North Hardwick & Bolsover PCN to provide a dedicated GP led home visiting service to the housebound patients allocated to the practices within the PCN.
It is staffed by a GP, ACP’s and ECP’s provided by the PCN via the team up service who will work under the command and control of The Friendly Family Surgery registered with CQC to deliver the activity of treatment of disease, disorder or injury.
The service is specifically for housebound patients who require a home visit because of a health crisis with the aim of treating the patient in their place of choice and avoiding (where possible) a hospital admission. The care will be provided in the patient’s own home or care home.